The Game of Life

2024 Summer Games! What if this was equally an opportunity to consider this other game wherein each one of us is an athlete, that of life?This is what Professor Fomum invites us to. He remains faithful to the vision of an individual’s full development which had previously moved the ancient Greeks to whom we owe the Olympic Games.

*ebooks, audiobooks, paperback, hardcover

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A complete Catalogue

A library of compelling titles and timeless teachings with contemporary meaning to today’s reader—profound in originality, simplicity, relevance, practicality, depth, expanse, and penetration.

*ebooks, audiobooks, paperback, hardcover

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The Christian Way

  1. The Way Of Life
  2. The Way Of Obedience
  3. The Way Of Discipleship
  4. The Way Of Sanctification
  5. The Way Of Christian Character
  6. The Way Of Spiritual Power
  7. The Way Of Christian Service
  8. The Way Of Spiritual Warfare
  9. The Way Of Suffering For Christ
  10. The Way Of Victorious Praying
  11. The Way Of Overcomers
  12. The Way Of Spiritual Encouragement
  13. The Way Of Loving The Lord

Practical Helps for The Overcomer

Continuous personal spiritual revival