
Come And See; Jesus Has Not Changed!

God loves youJesus Heals Today

This book is the synthesis of the 16 days of preaching, miracles, signs, and wonders under a ministry led by Z.T. Fomum and the eighteen pastors of Christian Missionary Fellowship International (CMFI) of Douala.

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This book is the synthesis of the 16 days of preaching, miracles, signs, and wonders under a ministry led by Z.T. Fomum and the eighteen pastors of Christian Missionary Fellowship International (CMFI) of Douala.

It is a live and power-packed testimony that Jesus has not changed. He still gives

  • salvation,
  • healing, and
  • deliverance from demons and from the grip of demons.

Participants in the Salvation, Healing, and Deliverance Convention organised by CMFI, at the Ndogsimbi Christian Centre in the city of Douala, Cameroon, had the privilege of living this up close, from the 9th to 25th May 2003.

It is published as a testimony and thanksgiving to the Lord.

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