
Revolutionary Thoughts on Spiritual Leadership

Leading God's people

In Revolutionary Thoughts on Spiritual Leadership, the author, Professor Zacharias Tanee Fomum paints the spiritual leader as a model in everything. He is the one who sees what God has in mind and takes the people of God in that direction. Such a leader’s heart is welded to each sheep.

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Jesus is the model leader to be imitated—our reference! His exemplary exertions to foreground and yield to His Father’s will—His loyalty to His Father, His wholehearted commitment to the welfare of the flock that His Father had given Him, and His Holy and blameless life as a producer of likeminded disciples are highlighted and discussed extensively in this book.

In Revolutionary Thoughts on Spiritual Leadership, the author, Professor Zacharias Tanee Fomum paints the spiritual leader as a model in everything. He is the one who sees what God has in mind and takes the people of God in that direction. Such a leader’s heart is welded to each sheep.

Successful spiritual leadership cannot be separated from the production of other leaders. Leadership is the overflow of a person’s devotion to God. The author also defines revolutionary leadership as that leadership whose success lies in its identification with the glorified Christ in His suffering, humiliation, and God-centeredness and building up men in His likeness to advance and fulfill His Father’s good purpose for our generation. The elements in this definition distinguish revolutionary leadership from ordinary leadership.

We send this book out with expectations that as you read it, God will use it to transform you into a true leader of His people—one who is a model.

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Audiobook, eBook, Hardcover, Paperback

Book author

Z.T. Fomum

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