
The Cross in The Life And Ministry of The Believer

Making spiritual progress

The author Z.T. Fomum is convinced that the cross is central to the life and ministry ofthe believer. Therefore, every member of the body of Christ should experientially knowthe cross in his or her life, so that the Holy Spirit can work freely there. He confesses: ‘…Ifelt that I had a responsibility before the Lord and before His people to say all that wasin my heart…’.This book is essential and can bring a believer into his inheritance in Jesus Christ.

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The author, Z.T. Fomum, is convinced that the cross is at the center of the believer’s life and ministry. Therefore, each member of the body of Christ should experimentally know the cross in his life, so that the Holy Spirit can act freely on him.

The theological dimension of this book is indisputable. The author speaks thereof

  • the inheritance of redemption by the cross,
  • the defeat of Satan,
  • the faith of the believer and
  • the crucified self.

He teaches on the Logos and Rhema of God. He talks about the cross and believers who have experienced the cross, world domination, dominion, soul-winning, discipleship, disciple-making, women’s ministry, and local church planting.

So, we realise that it is under the great burden of telling all, or almost all, that this book was written. Indeed, the author admits: ‘‘ … I felt that I had a responsibility before the Lord and before His people, to say everything I had on my heart …’’

This book is essential and would bring you into a God-given inheritance in Jesus Christ.

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