
The Way Of Spiritual Warfare

The Christian Way

The power of the Lord is available to all who come to Him.The burden of Professor Fomum in this book is to show that beyond the fact that the powerof God can manifest itself, can be spread through such channels as discipline, speech,holiness, gifts of power, etc., it can also be spread through other channels. We must fixour eyes on Jesus because he is the fullness of the Godhead.

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In this book, Z.T.  Fomum exhorts the Church to support the gospel enterprise through an active and dynamic prayer life. The nature of the enemy, his army, his weapons and his strategies are well explained in this book.

He speaks substantively of the authority with which God has endowed the church. This authority is a heritage that Jesus Christ acquired for each believer by his death on the cross, where Satan was vanquished and disgraced forever.  Jesus, by His death on the cross, did not conquer only the devil but also every illness, infirmity and sickness.

In this book, the author demonstrates that all human beings are engaged in fierce spiritual conflict.  All unbelievers are in Satan’s camp actively or passively engaged in the conflict. No one in this world is neutral.

Believers are expected to be fully committed in Jesus’ camp. Their main weapons are obedience and prayer. This is a book of indisputable depth, with an edifying and revealing prophetic dimension.

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