
The Sower, The Seed, And The Hearts Of Men

Practical Helps in Sanctification

The author places the importance of the heart and gives the characteristics of each heart,while showing that each man is responsible for the type of heart he has. This book is tobe studied for a radical change of our heart and a fruitful evangelistic ministry; for as theAuthor said “it is the ripe fruit that produces ripe fruit!”

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This book is to be read through and studied for a radical change of heart and a fruitful evangelism ministry!

Inspired by the Parable of the Sower, Professor Fomum teaches on the different types of hearts. There is

  • the wayside heart,
  • the stony heart,
  • the thorny heart, and
  • the good heart which is symbolised by good soil.

The author identifies the importance of the heart and gives the characteristics of each heart while showing that each man is responsible for the type of heart he has. To have the heart that is good soil, ready for planting, you have to overthrow the self in you and rid your heart of all forms of idols.

Why does the author dwell so much on the heart as soil? Because

  • it is good soil that bears good fruit.
  • It is good soil that bears great fruit.
  • It is good soil that bears abundant fruit.

That’s why he goes on to speak extensively about ways to bear fruit in abundance.

This book is to be read through and studied for a radical change of heart and a fruitful evangelism ministry, because as the author says, ‘‘It is ripe fruit that produces ripe fruit!

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