
The Way of Christian Character

The Christian Way

It is in God’s plan that the Gospel preached by the lips and the Gospel preached bythe character (by the life) become one Gospel, a presentation of the Lord of glory. Youwill find developed in this book, rich in definition, concepts surrounding the notion ofthe character of Christ, themes such as: the origin of carnality, the dangers of carnality,Christian character, and how it is acquired.

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This book is about the character of Christ that the believer is called to put on. Christlike character formation in us is the work of the Holy Spirit who dwells in us.

In this book, you will find well-developed, rich definitions and sound concepts surrounding the notion of the character of Christ. Themes that have been properly developed include

  • the origin of worldly character,
  • the dangers of worldly character,
  • Christian character, and
  • how Christian character is acquired.

As you read this book, you will discover that spirituality is not measured according to spiritual gifts but, rather, by the character of Christ manifested through our body in which the death of Christ manifests.

This is a book to be classified among rare masterpieces which can lead the believer to experience the sanctified life in an ever-increasing way.

It’s a book to read in prayer with eternity in view.

It’s highly recommended.

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