
The Complete Works of Zacharias Tanee Fomum on Prayer (Volume 5)

Complete Works

In this book we have given you reasons why you must win the lost. May the Holy Spirit set your heart on fire as you read the book, so that you will take no rest but give yourself wholeheartedly to the supreme task of winning the lost.

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The Complete Works of Zacharias Tanee Fomum on Prayer (Volume 5) contains the following books:

  1. Revolutionary Thoughts on Prayer (Volume 4)
  2. Women of the Glory (Volume 2)
  3. The Art of Worship
  4. Learning to Importune in Prayer
  5. Prayer and the Walk with God

Commencing with “Life Changing Thoughts on Prayer” (Revolutionary Thoughts on Prayer), this volume is a challenge to the personal prayer conscience of the believer. It confronts and condemns complacency and stirs to prayer as a way of life. That is what the women of the glory came to receive as a revelation, which became a revolution.

Women of the glory, such as Anna the prophetess and Mary Magdalene, come into the scene to demonstrate that you cannot love the Lord deeply and not be a person of prayer. The place of prayer is the place where the deepest love for the Lord is expressed.

Worship is actualised in surrender. That is why the apostle Paul says, “Therefore, I urge you, brothers, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God – this is your spiritual act of worship” (Romans 12:1).

True worshippers are therefore those who surrender their bodies to the Lord as living sacrifices. They worship him from a cloudless fellowship with Him in their conscience, intuition and communion. They also worship Him in truth and not in falsehood.

People and believers get desperate and go on to importune in prayer. However, when a worshipper begins to importune in prayer, it becomes a different thing entirely. Worshipers move God at a level where He cannot resist their entreaties.

Those who pray enduringly are those who walk with God daily. They don’t allow any cloud to come between them and Him. As they walk with Him, they come to know the burdens that are on His heart. It is those burdens that they labour to carry and discharge in prayer.

We send this fifth prayer volume out with a cry to the Lord that He should use it to lead the saints into practical praying, worship, importunity and walking with Him daily.

Berlin, 30th August 2019

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