
The Complete Works of Zacharias Tanee Fomum on Prayer (Volume 3)

Complete Works
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The Complete Works of Zacharias Tanee Fomum on Prayer (Volume 3)” contains the following books:

  1. Life Changing Thoughts on Prayer (Volume 2)
  2. The Ministry of Supplication
  3. Moving God Through Prayer
  4. Waiting on the Lord in Prayer
  5. Prayer Crusades (Volume 1)

The life-changing thoughts on prayer contained in this volume are like the pings that get the believer to detect the will and leading of God in various domains of prayer. Each one of the thoughts is an entire topic to be pursued, explored and developed to the fullest. As you go through these thoughts, you are travelling with the author along his journey around the world, doing God’s work of ministry, while in the midst of prayer.

Supplication is handled from the glaring example of Hannah who, having been barren for a long while, desperately asked God for a baby, as her priced treasure to be given back to Him. In supplication, the supplicant is so desperate that he will not rest and will not receive ‘No’ from God for an answer. This goes on till the point of breakthrough. Those who make requests while keeping other options open are not supplicating. With supplication, there is one request, no options and no plan ‘B’.

The reader will also learn how to move God through prayer. There is no way anyone can move God through prayer if he does not know the perfect will of the Lord about what he is praying for. It is those who know God’s will and pray that will back to Him that move Him through to answer and to do things in response to prayer. God is not obliged to answer prayer that is not in tandem with His will.

The dynamics of waiting on the Lord in prayer are not the tools of a rapacious world that wants instantaneous answers to prayer. One may have to abide in ceaseless prayer before the Lord about an issue for a year, ten years or more and not give up until the day the Lord answers or gives assurance that He will surely answer.

This volume ends with the author’s practical life of prayer crusades, praying with his people. Prayer crusades range from 8 hours, 10 hours or more of personal or group prayer daily for periods ranging from 21 days, to 40 days and beyond. In this final part of the volume, the reader finds himself in the prayer crusades, praying with the author and his people.

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