
The Complete Works of Zacharias Tanee Fomum on Leadership (Volume 3)

Complete Works

In this book we have given you reasons why you must win the lost. May the Holy Spirit set your heart on fire as you read the book, so that you will take no rest but give yourself wholeheartedly to the supreme task of winning the lost.

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The Complete Works of Zacharias Tanee Fomum on Leadership (Volume 3) contains the following books:

  1. Revolutionary Thoughts on Leadership (Volume 1)
  2. The Character and Personality of the Leader
  3. Basic Christian Leadership
  4. The Overcomer as a Servant of Man
  5. Making Spiritual Progress (Volume 1)

This volume undertakes a study of the leadership substance and style of Joshua and other servant leaders in the Scriptures lased with live examples from the author and several other leaders in the kingdom.

Revolutionary Thoughts on Leadership is a string of revolutionary perspectives on leadership that will provoke you, confront you, discipline you, rebuke you, correct you, stir you, and spur you on to aspire, desire, and require victorious and triumphant leadership.

Servant leadership is the central focus of this volume. Jesus, our superb and supreme Model was an embodiment of servant leadership. A servant leader leads by not lording it over his followership.

When a leader dedicates himself to serve his people, they will eventually be his servants forever. The old men told Rehoboam If today you will be a servant to these people and serve them and give them a favourable answer, they will always be your servants (1 Kings 12:7). Everyone who will succeed as a leader must appropriate these words.

Christian leadership hinges heavily on character. The man with an abundance of divine love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control, endurance, and perseverance will definitely attract an increasing following in a foul and perverse world.

We send this third volume on leadership out with a cry to the Lord that He should use it to build many into leaders of His people capable of leading them into the totality of God’s purposes in this generation and beyond.

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