
A Successful Marriage: The Wife’s Making

God, Sex, and You

Nowadays, many marriages are failing, and even some marriages of true believers are broken or in disarray.

The reason is that many wives have missed the divine model for a successful marriage.

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Nowadays, many marriages are failing, and even some marriages of true believers are broken or in disarray.

The reason is that many wives have missed the divine model for a successful marriage.

  • What is a successful marriage?
  • What’s the role of the wife in ensuring a successful marriage?

Indeed, the wife is called to be a suitable helper for her husband. She is called to assist him in fulfilling God’s call in his life.

In this book, we study the requirements for becoming and remaining a suitable helper. When a wife becomes and continues to be a suitable helper for her husband, she brings her full contribution to make their marriage a success.

We publish this book, praying that it will be used by the Holy Spirit to transform some broken or breaking marriages into successful marriages; and that it will transform all happy marriages into successful marriages for the glory of the Lord and the advancement of the Gospel.

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