
Revolutionary Thoughts on Marriage

God, Sex, and You
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Marriage is the first covenant instituted by God. “For this reason, a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and they will become one flesh” (Genesis 2:24).

Professor Z.T. Fomum has taught extensively on marriage, not only in special seminars on marriage, but also on various occasions and during his many trips in the Lord’s service, and in prayer nights, … In his own life, he has given a living example of marriage as it should be lived viewed from God’s perspective.

It was a constant burden for him that marriages should be godly and conform to God’s will.

This book is a compilation of some outstanding thoughts gathered from various encounters with Professor Fomum, whether at prayer or teaching meetings. He speaks as one backed by a rich personal experience.

Through this book, God will change your marriage or future marriage, and bless you and your partner.

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